IPscatt—A MATLAB Toolbox for the Inverse Medium Problem in Scattering

IPscatt is a free, open-source toolbox in MATLAB that solves the inverse medium problem in time-independent scattering (also known as time-harmonic scattering) in two- and three-dimensional setting. It is provided as free software under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3).


The most recent version ipscatt2019 is provided.

Releases of IPscatt

Supplementary material contains first, the source code, second, the source code documentation and third, the user guide.

The following releases are available:


The toolbox IPscatt was developed by Florian Bürgel (University of Bremen), Kamil S. Kazimierski (University of Graz), and Armin Lechleiter (University of Bremen).

Your comments are welcome! In case of bugs, confusing instructions or missing ones, please report them to Florian Bürgel (the email address is in the readme.txt).


The software package was originally provided as supplementary material to the following article:

Florian Bürgel, Kamil S. Kazimierski, and Armin Lechleiter. Algorithm 1001: IPscatt—A MATLAB Toolbox for the Inverse Medium Problem in Scattering. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 45(4), Article 45, 20 pages, 2019. doi:10.1145/3328525.
If you wish to cite IPscatt, refer to this algorithm paper. It contains an overview of the software framework, presents its key features, describes the direct scattering problem as well as the underlying variational reconstruction scheme, compares IPscatt with other software packages and discusses the application areas.


The following publications are related to IPscatt:

Florian Bürgel, Kamil S. Kazimierski, and Armin Lechleiter. A sparsity regularization and total variation based computational framework for the inverse medium problem in scattering. Journal of Computational Physics, 339:1–30, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2017.03.011.
(Authors' version: Buergel2017_compIPscatt_authorversion.pdf.)
Florian Bürgel, Kamil S. Kazimierski, and Armin Lechleiter. Algorithm 1001: IPscatt—A MATLAB Toolbox for the Inverse Medium Problem in Scattering. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 45(4), Article 45, 20 pages, 2019. doi:10.1145/3328525.
(Authors' version: Buergel2019_tboxIPscatt_authorversion.pdf.)
Florian Bürgel. Effective and Efficient Reconstruction Schemes for the Inverse Medium Problem in Scattering. Dissertation, Universität Bremen, 2019. Retrieved from http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-00107828-15.